City animated by many hamlets, between rituals that are repeated over time and enveloping…

Immersed in the greenery of Irpinia, it preserves in its name the story of its most…

Old farmhouse of the State of Lauro, with ancient origins, a pilgrimage destination for those…

It's located in a valley created by the Acqualonga stream, at the foot of the mountains of…

The balcony of Irpinia, suggestive town overlooking an authentic landscape between the Ofanto…

In the heart of the Partenio Park, we find the town of the nougat and chestnuts "del prete" (…

Small town of the Vallo di Lauro at the foot of Mount Dinico, made characteristic by an…

Small town among the evocative Sabato and Calore Valleys, the urban plan as well as its…

Town nestled in the valley of the Calore river and rich in churches, palaces and fountains.…

The smallest town in the province of Avellino, with a panoramic position on a rocky spur in…

Homeland of the nougat, a centuries-old sweet of Irpinia, a village lying among the fertile…

Porta del Partenio (Partenio Gate), from the characteristic spur of rock predominates the…

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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Piazza Libertá 1 (Palazzo Caracciolo), 83100 – Avellino
C.F. 80000190647

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