Torella dei Lombardi is preparing to experience an electrifying evening with the "Bull's Night", Saturday 14 September, in Piazza Europa, starting at 9.00 pm.
The event promises a night of music, energy and fun. With a first-rate DJ set, composed by Mario Carbone, Raffaele Uva and SSSMitch, the square will be transformed into a large dance floor under the stars. The evening will be animated by the voice of vocalist Alfonso Roma, who will be able to keep the audience's energy high.

But Bull's Night is not just music: for participants there will also be an area dedicated to Food & Drink, the perfect place to enjoy food, sip drinks and enjoy the musical show.

For fans of the console world, the event will begin as early as 7pm with a special Bull DJ Open Day. During this session, it will be possible to attend the presentation of a DJ course, held by Salvatore Miele DJ,

Furthermore, to add a touch of originality, a particular dress code has been established for the evening: red.


Foto Gallery
Via Camillo Ruspoli, 4, 83057, Torella dei Lombardi AV, Italia
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dalle 21:00

Indicazioni dell'organizzatore
Pro Loco Candriano e Comune di Torella dei Lombardi
Poligono GEO

Torella dei Lombardi

Via Camillo Ruspoli, 4, 83057, Torella dei Lombardi AV, Italia

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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