Location Località Monte Sovero, 83048 Montella AV, Italia

Località Monte Sovero, 83048 Montella AV, Italia

Standing at 954 metres above sea level, it has been a pilgrimage destination for generations,…

Location Via Campopiano, 83021 Avella AV, Italia

Via Campopiano, 83021 Avella AV, Italia

A fairytale destination located among unspoiled nature, the Castle is a place of great…

Location Piazza Guglielmo Marconi, 83020 Marzano di Nola AV, Italia

Piazza Guglielmo Marconi, 83020 Marzano di Nola AV, Italia

A clear example of late Baroque art in the Campanian style, the Church of San Trifone Martire…

Location Via D'Asti, 83043 Bagnoli Irpino AV, Italia

Via D'Asti, 83043 Bagnoli Irpino AV, Italia

A symbol of the integration of the Bagnolese and Jewish communities that settled there, with…

Location Località Montevergine, 83013 Mercogliano AV, Italia

Località Montevergine, 83013 Mercogliano AV, Italia

Recognised as one of Italy’s six territorial abbeys, it is home to the painting of the Madonna…

Location Via Sorbo Soprano, 47

Via Sorbo Soprano, 47

A gem of rare beauty, the Church of Santa Teresa is an example of the magnificent sacred…

Location Via Roma, 77 83050, VIllamaina AV, Italia

Via Roma, 77 83050, VIllamaina AV, Italia

A repertoire of evidence of a very ancient past, the Museum Collection of the Municipality of…

Location Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 83030 Savignano Irpino AV, Italia

Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 83030 Savignano Irpino AV, Italia

Known for its wooden skull at the entrance and the works of art inside, the Church of the…

Location Via Sant'Antonio, 48, 83010 Capriglia Irpina AV, Italia

Via Sant'Antonio, 48, 83010 Capriglia Irpina AV, Italia

Situated along the street that bears its name, the Church was built in the 16th century.…

Location   Via Roma, 83018 San Martino Valle Caudina AV

Via Roma, 83018 San Martino Valle Caudina AV

A medieval church located in the centre of the charming village in the heart of the Caudina…

Location Via Regina Margherita, 3, 83029 Solofra AV, Italia

Via Regina Margherita, 3, 83029 Solofra AV, Italia

Consisting of the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie and the convent of the same name, the…

Location Via Padre Ludovico Acernese, 20, 83030 Pietradefusi AV, Italia

Via Padre Ludovico Acernese, 20, 83030 Pietradefusi AV, Italia

Built in 1431 by Giacomo de Tocco, the Tower stands at the highest point of the town. All that…

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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