The Church of the Madonna delle Grazie (Our Lady of Graces) in Savignano Irpino is located in Via San Giovanni, on the outskirts of the town recognised as one of "Italy's Most Beautiful Villages".

Built at the beginning of the 16th century, outside the old boundaries of the village, it functioned as a rural church, becoming a reference point for the population of the surrounding countryside. It remained outside the built-up area until the 18th century, when the town expanded beyond the perimeter of the old village, incorporating the religious building inside. 

Due to neglect and numerous seismic events that caused it to be abandoned, today the Church of the Madonna delle Grazie can only be visited from the outside. The façade retains its main feature, provided by two superimposed orders of pilasters that mark the plastered wall façade, which in turn is embellished with plinths, capitals, an intermediate architrave and a pediment to close off the prominent height.

Despite being closed to worship, the Church of the Madonna delle Grazie is still one of the most beloved places of the Savignano community.

Grado di accessibilita
Not accessible
Via San Giovanni, 83030 Savignano Irpino AV, Italia
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Always usable from the outside

Poligono GEO

Chiesa della Madonna delle Grazie

Via San Giovanni, 83030 Savignano Irpino AV, Italia

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