The European Heritage Days (GEP) are back on Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 September 2024, the largest and most popular cultural event in Europe. This year's theme is "Heritage on the move", an invitation to discover and rediscover paths, communication routes, connections and networks that, today or in the past, have made relationships and exchanges between peoples and cultures possible and contributed to the formation of our identity.

During the two days, all public and private cultural sites, bodies, institutions and cultural associations in the country are invited to organize meetings, extraordinary openings and events aimed at raising awareness and promoting cultural heritage.

The Italian theme of the 2024 GEP "Heritage on the move" takes up the European slogan "Routes, Networks and Connections", chosen by the Council of Europe and shared by the countries participating in the event. An opportunity to reflect on culture as an element of relationship: the invitation is therefore to consider the cultural heritage of the local area by placing it in a broader dimension, and to look for traces of the relationships between people who have moved by land and sea, meeting and sharing knowledge, cultural and artistic practices, but also commercial activities, religious beliefs, artisanal and agricultural skills, technical innovations. The theme offers the opportunity to explore from multiple perspectives the evolution of our culture and how this conditions today the way of living, working, studying, spending free time.


Proloco Calitri offers guided tours of the Museo della Ceramica di Borgo Castello, a unique place that celebrates the long tradition of ceramics in the city of Calitri. Established in 2008, it is set up in the restored rooms of the charming Borgo Castello.

The Museum offers a vast collection of unique pieces, from medieval ceramics to contemporary creations by local master craftsmen.

Foto Gallery
Comune di riferimento
Via Alfonso de Carlo, 59, 83045 Calitri AV, Italia
Go to the map view on the map

dalle 10:30 alle 18:00

Prezzi di accesso

Biglietto intero

Biglietto ridotto

Numero di telefono
Indicazioni dell'organizzatore
Pro Loco Calitri e Comune Calitri
Poligono GEO

Museo della Ceramica di Calitri

Via Alfonso de Carlo, 59, 83045 Calitri AV, Italia

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