Pro Loco Zungoli launches a new contest: "The Country as a Story". A praiseworthy initiative in which the beauties of the Zungoli territory will be the subject of a narrative space. The story as an evocative tool of sensations and emotions that derive from contact with the village, made up of houses, men, habits and landscape. The story, set in a real space, as a home of the present and representation of time that has not stopped, liquid and palpable through experience, memory, writing.

A contest, not a competition, not a literary competition, but a sort of laboratory in which people of "good pen", who love to write, can discuss, create and invent stories set in one of the most beautiful villages in Italy. With characters who will be the protagonists, real actors of the creations, the exaltation of the places will be the center of attention. In this way, more stories will be put together, obviously after careful editing. The goal is to publish an anthology, a little different from the others, which aims to be an emotional and sentimental guide accompanying the reader through the streets of the town that also boasts the Orange Flag of the Italian Touring Club, listening to and reading stories that can be fictional or even true, told by the ancestors.

A work in progress, aimed at starting the laboratory. The stories should be delivered in May to reach publication in the summer. A stimulating, captivating and alternative idea of ​​promoting places through writing and reading, a way to project yourself further than a simple tourist guide, a brochure or photographic material that we are often surrounded by. Italo Calvino wrote: "The town we live in every day, that we form by being together", a more effective spot for the contest in question.

To find out more, to tell a piece of Zungoli write to

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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