I love Av 1980 in collaboration with Culturatela, organizes on May 26th, at the Casino del Principe in Avellino, from 4:00 pm to 12:00 am, I Love AV Festival.

"Our collaboration with 'CulturaTela' was born from the sharing of a vision: that of enhancing and promoting the historical and cultural heritage of Avellino through significant and inclusive events. It is in this spirit that "I Love AV" participates in the "Maggio nei Musei" program. This specific event, which will be held in one of the most significant places in the city, represents an important step forward in our constant commitment to make culture accessible to all and to stimulate sustainable cultural tourism that benefits the entire community" declared the Representatives of the Cultural Movement, "sharing a single vision: that of enhancing and promoting the historical and cultural heritage of Avellino through significant and inclusive events".

Various spaces of the Casino Del Principe will be set up with vintage and antique stands, live painting, works and creations of those who will collaborate with our association.

The food and beverage area will be curated by partners, BlackLamb and Fralù with typical local products.

The entire event will be accompanied by a musical line up that includes artists and DJs of various musical genres.

Foto Gallery
Informazioni di prenotazione
Reservations for the event are required and can be made either online, at https://culturatela.com/it/detail/66466e50aaa2234b0e6eaa12 , or at the entrance.
Comune di riferimento
Corso Umberto I, 215, 83100, Avellino
Go to the map view on the map

dalle 16:00

Prezzi di accesso

Un contributo che garantirà l'ingresso ma soprattutto renderà possibile lo sviluppo della nostra realtà

Indicazioni dell'organizzatore
I love AV 1980 e Culturatela
Poligono GEO

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


Indirizzo sede legale
Ufficio Infopoint
Piazza Libertá 1 (Palazzo Caracciolo), 83100 – Avellino
C.F. 80000190647

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