On July 27, 2024, the official opening of the new Museo Comunale di Montemiletto will take place inside the Castello della Leonessa, a city symbol and testimony of the history of the region.

The event will be the first step of an important project for the valorization of the territory and aims to present a space of ricerca at its origin and its evolution in Irpinia.

Ospitato all'interno del Castello della Leonessa, il Museo sarà theater di tre mostre: Memoria Sepolta, Montemiletto Colonia Romana e I Graffiti della prigione.

Insieme to the curators and to the consultants who have permission to carry out this project, such as Rizieri Rino Buonopane, President of the Province, and Giordano Bruno Guerri, storico and saggista.

The exhibition space does find the first piano of the Castello della Leonessa and is currently planned with the objective of raising the results of the labor of the ricerca in the area and in the area of ​​the cultural heritage, the use and cost of the community and offering one space. educational and dividing all the Campania Region.

The show in program: “Memoria sepolta” is a show that testifies to the public and private life of the 1930s of the Novecento through circa 100 photographic images and negative images that were shown in casual fashion in a room, on the floor of the cantina. and inside the layer of sabbia silicea used to carry out the mass.
Queste immagini, dal grande valuee documentary, storico e culturale, offrono uno sguardo prezioso su un passato quasi dimenticato, contributing to far understandinge meglio le dynamiche storiche e sociali di Montemiletto.

“Montemiletto Colonia Romana” explores the romanization process of the middle Calore valley and offers a panoramic view of the integration of the local community into Roman culture.
The rustic ville, the thermal strutture, the bridges and the manufatti scoperti testify to a large Roman presence in the territory. Inoltre, the esposizione presents necropoli with tomb and funeral iscrizioni.

"I Graffiti della prigione" is a display space that guides the scope of the graffiti of the 17th century that were carried out by the prigiionieri in the cella of the Mastio del Castello.
Inside the dedicated sale, there is a timeline of events in the history of the Castello, images of graffiti and multimedia content accessibili through touchscreen. Inoltre, the experience will give you an immersive experience thanks to all the suggestive video productions that tell the story of the detainees.

Il Castello della Leonessa di Montemiletto, invece, è stato costruito nel Basso Medioevo su iniziativa firmarile, sorge su una vetta collinare calcarea dominando la valli sottostanti.

Probably fortified by Lombardy, after the VIII and IX seconds, the castle has risen many restructures, transforming itself into a palazzo gentilizio during the period of angiosperms and rinascimentale.

Oggi, the building presents an irregular floor with Angolari towers and murarie curtains. Inside, the castle houses a court, a cappella, and historical environments that testify to the diverse era of its existence.


Foto Gallery
Grado di accessibilita
Totally accessible
Informazioni di prenotazione
free event
Comune di riferimento
Via Roma, 2, 83038, Montemiletto AV, Italia
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durata 3 ore

dalle 18:00

sito web
Indicazioni dell'organizzatore
comune di montemiletto, museo comunale di montemiletto
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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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