Del Cappellano Palace, also known as "Palazzo dei Tufi" (Tuff Palace), is a place of historical interest located in Lauro, at the intersection of Via Petruro and Via Casimiro Bonavita.

Commissioned by Giovanni Del Cappellano, Bishop of Bovino, and built between 1513 and 1529, the stately building features a grey tuff ashlar façade, cushion-shaped on the lower part and diamond-pointed on the upper part, which can still be admired in its original, unfinished state. In the centre of the façade is a large entrance hall, also in tuff, leading to the courtyard.

One of the best examples of Renaissance architecture in Campania, Del Cappellano Palace overlooks the entire town of Petruro, standing as a symbol of the community.

Comune di riferimento
Via Casimiro Bonavita, 83023 Lauro AV, Italia
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Palazzo Del Cappellano

Via Casimiro Bonavita, 83023 Lauro AV, Italia

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