The Church of San Pantaleone (Saint Pantaleon), near the castle of Lombard origin, was built in 1293 in conjunction with the expansion of the building by Riccardo di San Severino, Count of Caserta and Lord of Montoro, who had married Berardessa del Duca in a second marriage, to whom he gave the fief of Montoro as a wedding gift.
In all probability, it is precisely the latter who was responsible for the construction of the Church, which fulfilled parish functions right from the beginning, so much so that for centuries it was considered the most important church in Borgo, one of the fifteen hamlets of Montoro.
However, even in ancient times, the settlement around the Lombard castle included the Parish Church of San Nicolò' Extra Muros of the bishopric of Montorese, as well as a small chapel dedicated to Saint Pantaleon, doctor and martyr. The latter is referred to in the parchments of the Montevergine archives (vol. 87 no. 26), which reveal it already existed in the years 1283 and 1293.
Subsequently, the Parish Church of San Pantaleone was added to that of San Leucio di Borgo Montoro, by decree of the Archbishop of Salerno, Msgr. Paglia of 23 May, 1838.
In the early twentieth century, in particular between the two world wars, the need was felt to raise a great temple on the Parish Church floor, as a testament to the saint's centuries-long protection of his people and the whole of Montoro.
In 1950, other work was undertaken to refine and embellish the interior of the Church with frescoes of the life and martyrdom of the saint, as well as the connected rooms. The floor and the lighting and audio system in the presbytery were also renovated, with additional exterior finishes.
The relics of the saint have been housed in the sanctuary since 1986, when they were donated by the Apostolic See of the Metropolitan Archbishop of Benevento
Worship of Saint Pantaleon, co-patron of the town along with Saint Francis, is still going strong in the Montorese community, even today.
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The sanctuary is open during religious services and on the occasion of the celebration of the saint, on 27 July.
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