“Festival delle Radici” is an innovative project promoted and developed by Glocal Think, which was presented on Monday 22 April, at 4.00 pm, in the press room of the Chamber of Deputies.

Glocal Think is a place of meeting and discussion between companies, associations and institutions. An ecosystem that has as its objective the valorisation of the Territories, especially the smaller ones and those attributable to the internal areas of our country.
In 2022, at an event in Santo Stefano del Sole, in the province of Avellino, Glocal Think launched the "Radici" project, with the aim of starting a process of building a Public-Private network around shared values, which they combine the principles of Glocal with those of community identity.
Together with visionary mayors, the Irpine Roots Committee and the Ciociare Roots Committee were born: two models of territorial networks, which later became the subject of study and of a university thesis at Roma Tre.

The Committees have generated projects and consolidated networks, giving life, for example, in Irpinia, to the D.M.O. Irpinia Montagna d'Amare, today a partner of the Festival.

Around the roots and shared values ​​we continue to build models and good practices, replicable in different territories, to offer solutions through examples.

The Fil Rouge of the Festival is to celebrate the roots in a community event to strengthen ancestral ties, rediscover the intangible heritage and enjoy the food and wine heritage.

Every year, however, the Festival has its own central theme, this year 2024, it will be the "Biological Roots", that is, those that bind all those who are "children of their land" but who have decided, sometimes forced, by it to depart.

In the year of Italian roots, promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the communities of Italians who "left" abroad or in other Italian cities to welcome them into their countries of origin are celebrated.

This year's slogan is: "If you're not at home, feel at home".

The Roots Traveler becomes, in fact, a citizen of the places he inhabits. His home is that of his host. It blends and blends in, camouflaging itself, with the host culture. Experience local traditions and customs in an authentic way even within the destinations. 

A single event, three connections that link 32 municipalities between Lazio and Campania:

It was born in 2016 as a cultural initiative of the AsSud Association of Paludi (CS) aimed at bringing together cultural actors, the scientific society and local bodies in order to promote and develop communities, using migration in a positive key, as an element interpretation and knowledge.

Celebration of the linguistic diversity and richness of the local communities that constitute the vital fabric of our culture, with a view to preserving regional linguistic varieties through a series of activities, born in the province of Avellino in collaboration with the DMO Irpinia Montagna d'amare

Engaging immersion in the narratives handed down over time, an opportunity to celebrate the rich and varied stories that dot the cultural heritage of a community.


The stages of the Festival


20 July Castelfranci - Scores

01 August Nusco - Dialects

02 August Cesinali - Scores

10 August Lacedonia - Dialects

10 August* Chiusano San Domenico - Scores

19 August  Monteverde - Dialects

21 August Sant'Andrea di Conza - Dialects

24 August Bisaccia - Dialects

25 August Andretta - Dialects

31 August Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi - Dialects

04 September Salza Irpina - Scores

07 September Santa Lucia di Serino - Scores

13-14 September Aquilonia - Dialects

26 October Villamaina - Dialects

06 December Lyons - Dialects

15 December Bagnoli Irpino - Dialects

21 December Calabritto - Dialects

17 January 2025 Torella dei Lombardi - Dialects

to be defined Rocca San Felice -Dialects

to be defined Senerchia - Scores

to be defined Cairano - Dialects

to be defined Calitri - Dialects

to be defined Santo Stefano del Sole -Stories

*Date to be confirmed


27 April Vallepietra - Stories

August 27th  Alvito - Stories

31 August*  Atina - Stories

28 September Castel di Tora - Scores

26 October Bolsena - Scores

09 November Castiglione in Teverina - Scores

to be defined Allumiere - Scores

to be defined Settefrati -Scores

to be defined Pofi - Dialects

*Date to be confirmed

The Festival invites everyone to join the journey, share their stories, learn from the traditions of others and celebrate the priceless cultural heritage that binds.

With the patronage: Lazio Regional Council, Campania Region, Avellino Province, AICS, Viterbo Network Chamber of Commerce, Ampioraggio Foundation, Anci Campania, Assidema, Irvat, C.P.C.C.L., Univerde Foundation, University of Naples Federico II.

Logo Sistema Irpinia
Logo Provincia Avellino

Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


Indirizzo sede legale
Ufficio Infopoint
Piazza Libertá 1 (Palazzo Caracciolo), 83100 – Avellino
C.F. 80000190647

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