On March 15th at the Casa della Cultura of Aquilonia the theatrical show "L'Oreste" by Claudio Casadio.  Rejection and a lack of love mark the pace of this show, whose protagonist finds himself being transferred from an orphanage to a reformatory and then ends up in a mental hospital. There are tragic events in his past that he has repressed, yet he cannot deeply free himself from them, such as the loss of his favorite sister, his father's departure for war or the violent death of his mother.

To survive the pain caused by these events that affected his childhood, the protagonist creates his own world and talks constantly. He talks to the doctors, to the nurses, but above all to his schizophrenic roommate who, however, doesn't exist in reality. Between narration and authorial illustration, the show leads a reflection on abandonment and denied love, filtered through the eyes of this man-child, hand in hand with a past that he cannot free himself from. A poetic investigation that reminds us how the relationship with others is fundamental to defining one's existence, because ultimately no one is saved alone.

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Comune di riferimento
Piazza Guglielmo Marconi, 5, 83041 Aquilonia AV, Italia
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