On Wednesday 5th February in Montella, as part of the "Reti di Cura" project, the Linguistic and Social Inclusion Laboratory will be held. The aim is to promote learning the Italian language and cultural interaction. The meeting will take place at the Municipal Library, in Piazza degli Irpini, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. It is the inauguration of the Laboratory that will have Tuesday and Wednesday as days to be marked in red.
"Reti di Cura", Enpowerment, Inclusion and Community Participation, aims to strengthen the local welfare system through an integrated and participatory approach, supporting and strengthening the activities already carried out by the Consortium of Social Services Area 3.
The planned actions include:
• Social help desk for listening, orientation and support of citizens in accessing local services.
• Linguistic inclusion paths, aimed at the foreign population to promote social and cultural integration.
• Personal and professional growth spaces, dedicated to women, with activities aimed at strengthening skills and career guidance.
• Socialization and active well-being meetings, aimed at the elderly population, to encourage participation and combat isolation.
• Creation of a social database, useful for collecting and analyzing the emerging needs of the community, in order to improve the planning of interventions
dalle 16:00
alle 18:00
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