"If understanding is impossible, knowing is necessary because what has happened can return...". On the occasion of "Remembrance Day", in Montella, at the I.I.S.S. Auditorium. "R. D'Aquino", the awards ceremony of the literary competition "Knowing to make Memory", dedicated to Gaetano Iannella (deported to Buchenwald), will be held. Appointment at 9.30 am on Saturday 27 January. During the ceremony the I.C. Orchestras will perform. "G. Palatucci" and of the I.I.S.S. "R. D'Aquino".

The program

9.30am - Opening
Performance of the orchestra "Together in Armonia" (I.C. "G. Palatucci")

10.00 am - Introduction and greetings
Damiano Rino De Stefano (provincial president of the Bersaglieri Association)
Claudio Testa (president of the Bersaglieri section of Montella)
Following are considerations and reflections on the tragedy of the Holocaust

They intervene
Rizieri Rino Buonopane (mayor of Montella and president of the Province of Avellino)
Some students of I.I.S.S. "Rinaldo D'Aquino"
Massimiliano Bosco (school director of the I.C. "G. Palatucci")
Emilia Strollo (head teacher of the I.I.S.S. "Rinaldo D'Aquino")

Maria Barbone

11.00 am -  subject to the testimony of Federica Iannella, niece of Gaetano Iannella

Awards ceremony for the winning entries
Followed by reading of the awarded works

11.30 am - Performance by the Liceo Musicale I.I.S.S. Orchestra "R. D'Aquino"
At the end the two orchestras will perform the Canto degli Italiani (National Anthem)

Foto Gallery
Informazioni Aggiuntive
With the patronage of the Municipality of Montella and the Province of Avellino
Grado di accessibilita
Totally accessible
Comune di riferimento
Piazza degli Irpini, 83048 Montella AV, Italia
Go to the map view on the map

Appointment at 9.30 am on Saturday 27 January

dalle 09:30

Prezzi di accesso

Numero di telefono
Indicazioni dell'organizzatore
I.C. "Giovanni Palatucci" Montella, I.I.S.S. "R. D'Aquino" Montella e Sez. Cap.le "E. Caldarone" Montella
Poligono GEO


Piazza degli Irpini, 83048 Montella AV, Italia

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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