Alongside the traditional 'In love with music' event, the Stravinsky Library in collaboration with the Campania journalists' association is proposing a Library animation project linked to Eduardo De Filippo's comedy 'Napoli milionaria! - from comedy to opera' a tribute to the great De Filippo on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of his death. 

The Stravinsky Library project, created with the contribution of the Campania Region Museums and Libraries sector, will begin in June and will continue until September with various events dedicated to viewing the film and the Opera, with debates on Affinity between Comedy, Film and Opera, Theatrical readings of the text, artistic biographies of Eduardo De Filippo and Nino Rota, the collaboration between Eduardo and Nino Rota, guided listening and live listening to relevant music.


13 and 14 June Circolo della Stampa - Corso V. Emanuele - Avellino from 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm
Viewing of the film Napoli Milionaria -1950 (1st and 2nd part)

16 June Hall of Arts at the Stravinsky Library from 6.00pm to 7.00pm
Debates on Affinity Comedy, Film and Opera

19 and 20 June Circolo della Stampa - Corso V. Emanuele - Avellino from 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm
Viewing of the film Napoli Milionaria -2021 (1st and 2nd part)

25 and 26 June Circolo della Stampa - Corso V. Emanuele - Avellino from 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm
Vision of the Opera Napoli Milionaria -Nino Rota (1st and 2nd part)

29 June Hall of Arts at the Stravinsky Library from 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm
Debates on Affinity Comedy, Film and Opera

July/August/September 2024 being defined. 
Hall of the Arts/Artists' Terrace at the Stravinsky Library

Translation done with Google Translate

Foto Gallery
Informazioni di prenotazione
Ingresso libero, prenotazione consigliata
Comune di riferimento
Via G. Dorso, 1, 83030 Manocalzati AV, Italia
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Numero di telefono
340 5719845
Indicazioni dell'organizzatore
Associazione Igor Stravinsky
Poligono GEO


Via G. Dorso, 1, 83030 Manocalzati AV, Italia

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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