
On Friday 14 and Saturday 15 June at the Irpino Museum, an event dedicated to the goldsmith's art with thematic activities and itineraries to immerse ...


From June 13th a tribute to the great Edoardo De Filippo on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of his death....


Thirteen concerts scheduled from 9 June to 13 October for a new season curated by the Igor Stravinsky association...


From Saturday 8 to Sunday 23 June, the Gesualdo Castle will host the exhibition inspired by Pablo Picasso, founder of Cubism, for a fascinating parall...


Friday 7 June inauguration of Cristina Cianci's exhibition in which the void is circumscribed in a profound relationship between its existence and the...


Thursday 6 June and Friday 7 workshops on the interpretation and performance of twentieth-century and contemporary vocal repertoires. Subsequent appoi...

Saturday 25 May official delivery ceremony of the yellow flag of the most beautiful villages...

Wednesday 15 May at 5pm the presentation of the journey linked to the life and works of the "Prince of Musicians", with the reconstruction of some his...

Friday 12 April delivery of the Palace of Culture, which houses the Art Gallery, to the Montore community. For the occasion, special philatelic cancel...

Friday 5th April a special event dedicated to the memory of Teacher Lola Di Stefano...

Presentation of the book on Friday 23 February at 5.30 pm in the council room...

Sunday 28 January "Peace in mind" as an indispensable posture in small everyday gestures, as in large events, the first point on the list, the most ur...

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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