'Christmas in celebration, music, traditions, flavors' this is the poster designed by the municipal administration of Paternopoli for the Christmas holidays. Until January 30th, many events to fully experience the magic of Christmas.
Among the main events planned by the municipal administration to brighten up the days of the Christmas holidays, there is great anticipation for 'Santa Claus is waiting for you...' convinced that children are the true protagonists of this magical moment.

A program full of activities, workshops and shows that will involve the entire community: young people, adults and children.

December 16th at 8.00pm/10.00pm
Multi Juggler
Piazza XXIV Maggio

December 22nd at 7pm
RE-PARTY (Youth Forum) Welcome party and restart
Ancient Tower, Kennedy Square

December 23rd 4.30pm/6.30pm
Santa Claus is waiting for you....
Piazza XXIV Maggio

December 26th 5.30pm/7.30pm
Dancing sphere
Piazza XXIV Maggio

December 28th 8.00pm/10.00pm
Harmony of fire
Piazza Martiri in via Fani

December 29th at 7pm
The aperitif for seniors
Viale F.Troisi - former municipal library

December 30th at 5.30pm
Duo bright butterflies
Piazza XXIV Maggio

Foto Gallery
Comune di riferimento
Piazza John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 83052 Paternopoli AV, Italia
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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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