The Municipality of Paternopoli is located within the area of the Calore Valley. It's a town with 2,274 inhabitants, located 501 metres above sea level, at 28 km from Avellino. The territory extends for 18.43 sq km and the adjoining municipalities are: Castelfranci, Castelvetere sul Calore, Fontanarosa, Gesualdo, Luogosano, Montemarano, San Mango sul Calore, Torella dei Lombardi and Villamaina
The etymology of the name comes from the Greek patèr, πατήρ, and pòlis, π όλις, or “city of the father”. The inhabitants are called Paternesi and Saint Nicholas of Bari is their patron saint. 


  • Santuario Maria SS. della Consolazione (Most Holy Mother of Consolation) - Also known as the Mother Church of San Nicola, it is characterised by the imposing bell tower and the nearby Scala Santa (Holy Staircase), a place of devotion and pilgrimage
  • Church of San Francesco (Saint Francis) - It was built in the 16th century, within the walls of Paternopoli, on the initiative of the Franciscans
  • Church of San Giuseppe (Saint Joseph) - Small 16th-century church, enriched by the presence of a beautiful marble altar, a wooden choir and various paintings of the 18th century
  • Church of San Sebastiano (Saint Sebastian) - Located in the street of the same name, it has maintained its original configuration
  • Museum of Peasant Civilisation - Located near the Town Hall, it preserves agricultural machinery, work tools and everyday objects of the local peasant civilisation
  • De Iorio-De Conciliis Palace - Built in the 16th century, in the heart of the historic part of Paternopoli 
  • Famiglietti Palace - Bordering with the Mother Church, it has numerous and rich ornaments
  • Famiglietti-Anziano Palace - Dating back to the 19th century, it houses, in its cellars, a restaurant
  • Ziviello-Pecce Palace - Elegant building flanked by a beautiful terraced garden
  • Villa Modestino - Also known as Casino di San Nicola, it is a country residence with classic and elegant features
  • Fountains - Acquara di Sopra, Acquara di Sotto, Pescara, Pescarella, Acqua dei Franci      


  • Feast of the Most Holy Mother of Consolation - Religious celebrations, held in the months of May and June
  • Carnival of Paternopoli - Traditional celebrations with allegorical floats, dance groups and musical performances, held in the week of Shrove Tuesday
  • Broccoli Aprilatico Festival - Food and wine event to rediscover a typical local product, Broccoli Aprilatico, held in April
  • Macenata - Traditional event that recalls the ritual of crushing grapes, held in September
  • Feast of Saint Nicholas - Religious celebrations in honour of the patron saint, held in December
  • Other religious holidays - Feast of the first miracle of the Most Holy Mother of Consolation, Feast of Saint Anthony of Padua and Saint Mary of the Belt, Feast of Saint Joseph, Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel.       


  • Broccoli of Paternopoli PAT - Deep dark green in colour with crunchy tops, it is also called “Broccoli Aprilatico”, because it is harvested mainly in April
  • Taurasi DOCG - Wine of great tradition, made thanks to a very ancient grape variety: well structured, elegant and austere but, at the same time, balanced and tannic; suitable for a very long ageing, also thanks to its structure, minerality, good alcohol content and fullness
  • Irpinia Colline dell’Ufita PDO - Extra virgin olive oil deriving largely from the Ravece variety, characterised by a pleasant bitter and spicy taste
  • Coda di Volpe Rossa Grape PAT - Grapes rich in bloom and with a thick dark red skin, this variety can be used as a table grape, or for the production of the homonymous wine
  • Pizza and menesta and fasuli - Typical dish, consisting of corn pizza and soup prepared with escarole and beans
  • Other fruit and vegetable production - Walnuts, hazelnuts, strawberries, beans, cherries, peaches, plums, eggplants, potatoes, tomatoes, asparagus, garlic      


Paternopoli was known, until 1863, with the name of “Paterno”, known as “Patierno” in dialect. 
In Paternopoli an appreciated “School of Letters and Arts” was established, composed of men of high culture who contributed to the constitution of the Unification of Italy. 
Since 2012, the broccoli Aprilatico of Paternopoli has been included in the list of products recognised by Slow Food. 


According to some scholars, the presence of human settlements in the current territory of Paternopoli can be traced back to the 8th century BC In Roman times, the territory became, over time, a refuge for actual hermits called “Pater” who, also thanks to the economic and demographic crisis due to pestilences and earthquakes, chose these places for their home, becoming an important reference for the poor people of the place: for this reason, the hill on which they had settled was called Paternum
The fall of the Roman Empire led to a rapid decline of the territory as a result of the incursions of the Vandals, the Ostrogoths and the Goths, until the Lombard occupation which, starting from the year 570, restored conditions of stability. With the Treaty of Ceprano of 1080, which put an end to the struggles between the Lombards and the Normans, the territory of Paternopoli became the property of Roberto d’Altavilla.  
In the year 1139, the fief was awarded as a prize to the Lord of Gesualdo, Guglielmo, illegitimate son of Ruggero Borsa, Duke of Puglia. Among the feudal Lords who have succeeded each other over time, we remember the De Capua, Filangieri, Caracciolo, Ludovisi, Mirelli and Carafa d’Andria families, the last Lords until the abolition of feudal rights in 1806.


Paternopoli is a place to hold tight to, so strong as to merge with its deepest soul and never detach oneself from it, to feel one and the same as those traditions that fill the soul and drive one to take care of it 
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Piazza John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 83052 Paternopoli AV, Italia
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Piazza John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 83052 Paternopoli AV, Italia


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