Paternopoli's 2024 Christmas calendar continues and presents itself as a program full of events dedicated to adults and children. The result of a collaboration between various associations, cooperatives and local volunteers.

On December 30th, at 7.00 pm, a musical event will liven up the Civic Tower with Lorenzo Savarese and Melina Renna.

On January 3rd the program includes a magic show for children at the Ex Municipal Library at 5.00 pm. On January 4th, at 8.00 pm, the Tombolata della Misericordia is scheduled in the CEPAS Octagonal Hall. On January 5, at 4.00 pm, the Befana will visit the elderly at the CEPAS Center, an event open to all citizens, followed at 6.00 pm by 'Waiting for the Befana' at the same venue.

Finally, on January 6th, at 7.00 pm, another musical event at the Civic Tower will close the rich calendar. The initiative not only celebrates the holidays but also promotes social inclusion and the Reception and Integration System for foreigners, demonstrating that Christmas is an opportunity to build a welcoming and united community. 

Text translated with Google Translator


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Comune di riferimento
Piazza John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 83052 Paternopoli AV, Italia
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Numero di telefono
333 371 2391
Indicazioni dell'organizzatore
Amministrazione comunale
Poligono GEO

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