In the village of Nusco, at the Villa Vechia, on Monday 15 July, starting at 8:30 pm, the "Piano and Voice Concert" will be held.

For the second evening of the Goleto Festival, eight artists from the "Domenico Cimarosa" Conservatory of Avellino will perform, including Sopranos, Mezzosopranos, Tenors, Baritones and Basses, accompanied by the piano, to perform a varied program, ranging from sacred music, chamber arias, duets and opera arias, among the most famous.

The Program:

“Ave Maria” by G. Rossini – Tutti
“Eccomi in lieta vesta. Oh quanto volte!” Juliet’s Aria From “The Capulets and the Montecchi” by V. Bellini – Marika Pelonero
“If Romeo Killed a Son” Romeo’s Cavatina and Cabaletta from “The Capulets and the Montecchi” by V. Bellini – Gerardina Lombardi
“When I Want You” Musetta’s Aria From “La Bohème” by G. Puccini – Nicoletta Gaglione
“You Will Go No Longer…” Figaro’s Aria. From “The Marriage of Figaro” by W. A. ​​Mozart – Mattia Ribba
“You Must Partie” Marie’s Romance from “The Girl of the Regiment” by G. Donizetti – Emiliana Pisani
Chamber Arias and Duets

“A Dream” by Enrico Caruso – Domenico Tucci
“Si Vous l’aviez compris!” by L. Denza – Voice Italia Esposito – Violin Chiara Ricciardi.
“Cats Duet” by G. Rossini
Duet “On the Air That Sweet Zeffiretto” from “The Marriage of Figaro” by W. A. ​​Mozart
Duet: “La ci darem la mano” From “Don Giovanni” by W. A. ​​Mozart
“The Kiss” by Luigi Arditi – Marika Pelonero


Opera Arias

“Aria di Amalia” from “Napoli Milionaria” by N. Rota – Nicoletta Gaglione
“Una voce poco fa’” Cavatina by Rosina from “The Barber of Seville” by G. Rossini – Gerardina Lombardi.
“Calumny is a breeze” from The Barber of Seville by G. Rossini – Mattia Ribba
“O mio babbino caro” Aria by Lauretta from the opera “Gianni Schicchi” – Emiliana Pisani



Soprano: Nicoletta Gaglione, Marika Pelonero, Emiliana Pisani, Italia Esposito.

Mezzosoprano: Gerardina Lombardi.

Tenor: Mattia Marcedola.

Baritone: Domenico Tucci.

Bass: Mattia Angelo Ribba

Piano: M. Angelo Gazzaneo


Foto Gallery
Comune di riferimento
Via San Giovanni, 2, 83051 Nusco AV, Italia
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dalle 20:30

Poligono GEO


Via San Giovanni, 2, 83051 Nusco AV, Italia

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