This year too, the Pro Loco 'Sabe Maioris' of San Michele di Serino kicks off the long-awaited Potato Festival, now in its XXXVI edition.
From 30 August to 1 September, the Irpinia municipality will become the stage for a food and wine event that celebrates one of the most versatile and loved foods: the potato.

The Potato Festival offers a journey into traditional flavours, where visitors will be able to taste a variety of typical potato-based dishes, prepared in different interpretations that enhance the potential of this simple yet resourceful ingredient. Alongside the potato-based specialties, a vast selection of typical products and local wines will be available, thus completing a 360-degree food and wine experience.

In addition to culinary delicacies, the event includes a rich entertainment program suitable for all ages. The streets of San Michele di Serino will come alive thanks to street artists, circus shows, puppet theaters and stilt walkers, who will create a magical and festive atmosphere. For music lovers, there will be live music evenings with folk music groups, Caribbean dances and DJ sets, which will make the audience dance until late at night.


Foto Gallery
Via Roma, 1, 83020 San Michele di Serino AV, Italia
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Prezzi di accesso

Indicazioni dell'organizzatore
Pro Loco 'Sabe Maioris'
Poligono GEO

San Michele di Serino

Via Roma, 1, 83020 San Michele di Serino AV, Italia

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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