The Museum of Itinerant Cities has been set up in the Carbonara Archaeological Park, which preserves the remains of the original Samnite city, completely destroyed by the 1930 earthquake.

The idea behind this museum is to collect documents, photos, period films, illustrations and videos of all the towns in Italy that have suffered the same fatal fate as the primitive urban centre of the town of Aquilonia due to earthquakes, war or other events. Set up inside a building in the evocative archaeological area, specially recovered and restored, the Museum of Itinerant Cities contains all those materials that can provide historical evidence of those places that were destroyed and then rebuilt on different sites.

The itinerant cities find an exhibition space in the Museum that highlights the work of re-evaluating and promoting the original villages, which are given a new light to revive them while preserving their deep-rooted identity.

Comune di riferimento
Strada Comunale Maddalena, 83041 Aquilonia AV, Italia
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On reservation

Poligono GEO

Museo delle Città Itineranti

Strada Comunale Maddalena, 83041 Aquilonia AV, Italia

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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