The San Giuseppe Moscati House Museum, also called the "Paternal Home of San Giuseppe Moscati" or "Moscati Palace", is a place of historical and religious interest located in Santa Lucia di Serino, near the Monastery of Santa Maria della Sanità.

Previously known as the "Chiarella Palace", the building was purchased in 1653 by Domenico Moscati, a member of a family that produced Francesco Moscati in 1836, father of Saint Giuseppe Moscati (1880-1927). Every year, the young Giuseppe, born in Benevento, spent time here with his family, also dedicating himself to spiritual life, thanks to his cousin the priest Don Carmelo, and taking part in the Eucharist every day in the aristocratic family chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Today, the House Museum preserves numerous mementos of the saint. Inside, there is also a portion of the famous garden, also known as the "Roseto" (Rose Garden), where Saint Giuseppe Moscati loved to spend his time of prayer and reflection.

An indelible testament to faith and passion, the House Museum is the common thread that binds the local community to the saint.

Via Tommaso Marranzini, 72, 83020 Santa Lucia di Serino AV, Italia
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Casa Museo San Giuseppe Moscati

Via Tommaso Marranzini, 72, 83020 Santa Lucia di Serino AV, Italia

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