The Municipality of Santa Lucia di Serino lies in the area of the Sabato Valley. It's a town with 1,389 inhabitants, located 400 metres above sea level, at 11 km from Avellino. The territory extends for 3.93 sq km and the adjoining municipalities are: San Michele di Serino, Santo Stefano del Sole and Serino
The etymology of the name is a clear reference to the town’s patron saint, while the specific “Serino” refers to its geographical proximity to one of the neighbouring municipalities. The inhabitants are called Luciani. Saint Lucy, Saint Roch and Saint Joseph Moscati are their patron saints. 


  • Church of the Santissimi Apostoli Pietro e Paolo (Holy Apostles Peter and Paul) - Originally dedicated to Saint Lucy contains precious paintings and statues and is next to the Chapel of the Immacolata (Immaculate Conception)
  • Monastery of the Clarisse di Santa Maria della Sanità (Saint Mary of Health) - A structure adjacent to the Church of Santa Maria della Sanità, where it is possible to admire remarkable frescoes
  • Historic House Museum San Giuseppe Moscati - Formerly known as "Chiarella Palace", this is the paternal home of San Giuseppe Moscati, built in the 16th century, next to the Cappella del Carmine
  • Moscati Palace - 16th-century residence of the Moscati family, which gave birth to Saint Joseph Moscati
  • Church of Maria Santissima dei Sette Dolori (Our Lady of Seven Sorrows) - One of the oldest religious buildings in the town, recently restored
  • Ancient public fountain - Built in the 19th century, characterised by a cistern with an ancient wash house and a stone mascaron
  • Roman Aqueduct - Located in the Acquara district, a few ruins of the aqueduct remain
  • Others - Church of the Madonna di Costantinopoli (Our Lady of Constantinople), Church of San Rocco (Saint Roch), Church of the Arciconfraternita dei Sette Dolori di M.S. (Archconfraternity of the Seven Sorrows of the Holy Trinity), Cioppa Palace     


  • Feast of Saint Lucy and Saint Roch - Patron saint celebrations, held in August
  • Solemnity of Santa Lucia - Religious festivities in honour of the patron saint, held in December
  • Scarola Festival - Food and wine event, held in June
  • Laina and Beans Festival - Food and wine event, held in August      


  • Serino Chestnut PGI - One of the best chestnut varieties in Italy and the most widely exported on international markets
  • Hazelnut - Typical product of the territory, present in the "Mortarella" and "Giffoni" varieties 
  • Fiano di Avellino DOCG - One of the finest white wines in Italy and on the international market
  • Melannurca Campana PGI - The "Queen of Apples", with its characteristic aroma and very fine scent
  • Caciocavallo Silano PDO - Semi-hard cheese, with spun curd, made from the milk of different breeds of cows, including the Podolica     


The Municipality of Santa Lucia di Serino is closely linked to the figure of Saint Joseph Moscati (1880-1927), born in Benevento but originally from Lucca, beatified by Pope Paul VI during the 1975 Holy Year and canonised by Pope John Paul II in 1987. 
In the 16th century, the University of Santa Lucia, together with the neighbouring territories of Serino and San Michele, formed the so-called "State of Serino", characterised by extensive inter-regional trade and an outstanding concentration of productive activities in the South of that period. 


The first settlements in the present-day territory of Santa Lucia di Serino date back to the 4th-3rd centuries BC, as testified by some tombs, probably of Samnite origin, found in the area where the town stands today.  
With the arrival of the Romans, an aqueduct was built, the remains of which can still be seen in the Acquara district: with this ingenious work of art, the waters of the Sabato river were led to the military city of Miseno, after having crossed the entire Sarno Valley. 
Founded as a simple hamlet of Serino, Santa Lucia developed during the Middle Ages and, as early as the 16th century, became a University, that is to say an autonomous municipality. In 1862, the town took the name Santa Lucia di Laino and, only two years later, its present name.


Experience the silence and the atmosphere of the cloistered monastery, one of the most characteristic features that Santa Lucia di Serino offers to visitors so that they can live and tell their stories  
Distretto di riferimeno
Piazza San Giuseppe Moscati, 83020 Santa Lucia di Serino AV, Italia
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