The Municipality of Serino lies in the area of the Sabato Valley. It's a town with 7,010 inhabitants, located 416 metres above sea level, at 12 km from Avellino. The territory extends for 52.5 sq km and the adjoining municipalities are: Aiello del Sabato, Calvanico, Giffoni Valle Piana, Montella, San Michele di Serino, Santa Lucia di Serino, Santo Stefano del Sole, Solofra and Volturara Irpina. It is crossed by the Vallone delle Barre and Ferrarese streams as well as the river Sabato. 
The etymology of the name could come from the Oscan word sarinus, meaning "clear", or from the adjective "serene", or from the Latin word sero, meaning "close", "serro", indicating a sort of closure, like those of Verteglia di Campolaspierto on the road from Serino to Mount Terminio. The inhabitants are called Serinesi and Saint Francis of Assisi is their patron saint. 


  • Ruins of the Feudal Castle - Of the ancient manor of Norman origin, probably dating back to 839 AD, the Church of the Madonna delle Grazie (Our Lady of Graces), the drinking trough and the bell tower can still be seen today
  • Civita di Ogliara Archaeological and Environmental Park - Located in the hamlet of the same name consists of a wall that may coincide with the ancient Sabatia 
  • Church of the Santissimo Corpo e Sangue di Gesù Cristo (Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus) - This church dates back to 1500 and stands next to a majestic 200-year-old lime tree
  • Orano Castle - Fortified outpost on the homonymous hamlet and recently restored stands on the road leading to Mount Terminio
  • Church of the SS. Annunziata and the SS. Corpo di Cristo (Most Holy Annunciation and of the Most Holy Body of Christ) - Built in the hamlet of San Biagio is rich in precious works of art and is surrounded by the breathtaking landscape of Terminio
  • Convent of San Francesco (Saint Francis)- Built by the will of some local noble families, which is characterised by its beautiful cloister
  • The Hermitage of the Saviour - Located on Mount Terminio, near the cave that was once called the Angel’s Cave or Saint Michael’s Cave 
  • Church of the Assumption - Located in the Fontanelle hamlet, houses a valuable painting by Francesco Guarini, depicting "Our Lady of Grace and Saints"
  • Church of San Lorenzo (Saint Lawrence) - Located in the hamlet of Canale is distinguished by its wooden ceiling, embellished with a painting by Angelo Solimena, entitled "The Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence"
  • Church of San Luca Evangelista (Saint Luke the Evangelist) - Located in the hamlet of Ponte is one of the oldest churches in the Serinese territory
  • Church of San Giovanni (Saint John) - Located in the hamlet of Ferrari, which is characterised by the presence of some religious paintings inside
  • Church of Santa Maria della Neve (Saint Mary of the Snow) - Located in the central square of the hamlet of Sala is dedicated to the patron saint of the town
  • Pelosi Oratory - Old Baroque chapel built in 1475 by the Pelosi family in honour of Saint Vincent
  • Chapel of San Giuseppe Moscati (Saint Joseph Moscati)- Located on the path leading to Mount Terminio is dedicated to a religious figure much venerated in the Sabato Valley
  • Wildlife Park - Located on the road leading to Giffoni Valle Piana offers visitors a peaceful oasis and the possibility of running and equestrian excursions 
  • Other churches - Church of San Antonio da Padova (Saint Anthony of Padua) - Rivottoli, Church of Sant'Eustachio Martire (Saint Eustace Martyr - Sala), Church of Santi Giovanni, Luca and Lorenzo (Ferrari)      


  • CanalArte - International festival of street artists held in the hamlet of Canale in July
  • Serino Chestnut PGI Festival - Wine and food event focusing on the famous typical product of Serino, to be held in autumn in the hamlet of Rivottoli
  • Serino Sax Festival - Musical review dedicated to saxophone and chamber music, to be held in December
  • Serinese Mascarata - Carnival celebrations, with traditional masks and music
  • Gran Galà della Pizza - Food and wine event, accompanied by musical and theatrical performances, in August
  • Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi - Religious celebrations in honour of the patron saint in October
  • Feast of the SS. Salvatore e di S. Michele Arcangelo del Monte Terminio (Holy Saviour and of Saint Michael the Archangel of Mount Terminio) - Religious pilgrimage leading to the Hermitage of the Saviour, held in August
  • Feast of Saint Mary of the Snow - Religious feast dedicated to the patron saint of the hamlet of Sala, held in August
  • Feast of Saint Blaise and the Holy Forty Hours of Prayer - Religious event held in the hamlet of San Biagio, celebrated in January
  • Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel - religious event, held in September      


  • Serino Chestnut PGI - One of the best chestnut varieties in Italy and the most widely exported on international markets
  • Hazelnut - Typical product of the territory, present in the "Mortarella" and "Giffoni" varieties 
  • Melannurca Campana PGI - The "Queen of Apples", with its characteristic aroma and very fine scent
  • Caciocavallo podolico dei Monti Picentini PAT - Tasty and rare cheese matured for up to 6 months, with raw, hard and stringy texture, which is particularly renowned 
  • Chestnut soup - Typical side dish, enriched with beans, mushrooms and bacon
  • Rape e Patate - Typical peasant dish made with turnip greens and potatoes
  • Caciocavallo Silano PDO - Semi-hard cheese, with spun curd, made from the milk of different breeds of cows, including Podolica      


The Municipality of Serino is divided into 24 hamlets: Canale, Casancino, Cretazzo, Doganavecchia, Ferrari, Fontanelle, Grimaldi, Guanni, Ogliara, Orano, Pescarole, Ponte, Raiano, Rivottoli, Sala, San Biagio, San Gaetano, San Giacomo, San Giuseppe, San Sossio, Stazione, Strada, Troiani and Toppola. 
In the 16th century, the University of Serino, together with the neighbouring territories of San Michele and Santa Lucia, formed the so-called "State of Serino", characterised by extensive inter-regional trade and an outstanding concentration of productive activities in the South of that period. 


The Sabatini population, to whom the myth of the city of Sabatia is linked, settled along the banks of the river Sabato in pre-Roman times. Their destiny was marked by the victory of the Romans over Hannibal in the Second Punic War: because of the support given to the Carthaginian leader, the local population was forced by their rulers to disperse along the Upper Sabato Valley giving rise to the division of the territory of Serino, which is still evident today. 
The Romans exploited the considerable water reserves in the area by building an aqueduct in Serino, which would from then on allow water to flow from the Serino area to Neapolis, today's Naples. 
In the early Middle Ages, Serino belonged to the Principality of Salerno and, for a short period, changed its name to Castrum Serini; but, as early as the 13th century, with the advent of Frederick II, it began to have a degree of autonomy, becoming a University. Several families took turns in ruling Serino, including the Caracciolo family, feudal lords from 1595 to 1806.


Serino is a marked trail, to be experienced on foot or by bike to enjoy and discover one of the most beautiful landscapes  
Distretto di riferimeno
Piazza Cicarelli, 83028 Serino AV, Italia
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Piazza Cicarelli, 83028 Serino AV, Italia


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Località San Sossio, 83028 Serino AV, Italia

Dating back to 1550, it is flanked by a majestic ancient lime tree over 200 years old

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Località Toppola, 83028 Serino AV, Italia

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Indirizzo Località Ogliara, 83028 Serino AV, Italia

Località Ogliara, 83028 Serino AV, Italia

Located in the hamlet of the same name, it consists of a perimeter wall said to coincide with…

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