On September 6th, Doganavecchia di Serino will be transformed into the stage of the third edition of the 'Festa dei Popoli', an event that celebrates inclusion and solidarity, organized by Serino Humanitas. This initiative, which has now rooted a strong tradition in the heart of Irpinia, is preparing to welcome 500 people of different ethnic groups, many of whom have been forced to flee their countries of origin due to wars and famines. The event will offer them a dinner without social distinctions, a tangible symbol of union and brotherhood.
The evening, which promises to be full of emotions and moments of conviviality, will feature the chefs of the Chefs Association of Avellino and the Campania Region. These talented chefs will make their experience available to prepare a "dinner fit for a king", a banquet that will be much more than a simple meal: it will be a moment of meeting and sharing, in which food becomes a powerful tool for breaking down barriers and creating bonds between people.
To further enrich the evening's program there will be musical performances by Tammurriaré and Paranza ro Lyon. These groups, with their traditional music, will offer a vibrant and engaging soundtrack, capable of uniting people in a celebration that enhances cultural diversity and transforms it into a common wealth.
During the evening, the prestigious Serino Humanitas award will be awarded to Luigi Vitiello, known as the "chef of solidarity". Vitiello, with his extraordinary generosity and his commitment to the poor, has always put his professionalism at the service of those who need it most, demonstrating how cooking can be a powerful tool for social change.

Translation by google translator


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Informazioni di prenotazione
Prenotazione tavoli al 3500283435
Comune di riferimento
Piazza Cicarelli, 83028 Serino AV, Italia
Go to the map view on the map

dalle 21:00

Prezzi di accesso


Children's ticket

Numero di telefono
Indicazioni dell'organizzatore
Serino Humanitas
Poligono GEO


Piazza Cicarelli, 83028 Serino AV, Italia

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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