The Church of the Santissimo Corpo e Sangue di Gesù Cristo (Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ) is a place of worship located in the hamlet of San Sossio in Serino.

Built in 1550 and commissioned by the priest Viola, the Church once had a majestic appearance, with columns adorned with carvings, a large fresco in the middle of the ceiling of the nave, and paintings of considerable artistic value, attributed to Francesco Guarini (1611-1651), Angelo Solimena (1629-1716), and Michele Ricciardi (1672-1753). Although the religious building has lost many of its architectural and artistic features over the centuries, it is very dear to the local community, especially because of the centuries-old lime tree in front of the Church façade: a tree over 200 years old with a lush, imposing appearance.

A sacred place of great importance for the San Sossio community, the Church of the Santissimo Corpo e Sangue di Gesù Cristo is just one of the many religious symbols of Serino.

Comune di riferimento
Località San Sossio, 83028 Serino AV, Italia
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Open during the hours of religious services

Numero di telefono
0825 594025
Poligono GEO

Chiesa del Santissimo Corpo e Sangue di Gesù Cristo

Località San Sossio, 83028 Serino AV, Italia

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