The Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione (Our Lady of Consolation) in Scampitella is located on Piazza Libertà.

According to an ancient legend, the religious building owes its origins to a soldier from the Bourbon army who, lost in the hills of the Scampitella area, was struck by a vision that urged him on to the hermitage and to construct the sacred place.

The Church was originally located on the square of Scampitella in a transverse position, on the site where the war memorial stands today, as reported by the historical recollections of the local community. On the top, there were two columns that supported a stone arch, with a small bell hung from it that was rung using a long rope. The religious building was completely destroyed in the earthquake of 23 July, 1930, and some artworks of fine workmanship, including an organ, a holy water font, and a baptismal font, were lost.

Today, the Church, rebuilt in modern style, preserves a precious marble altar and a wooden statue from the 19th century.

Comune di riferimento
Piazza Libertà, 83050 Scampitella AV, Italia
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Open during the hours of religious services

Numero di telefono
0827 93031
Poligono GEO

Chiesa di S. Maria della Consolazione di Scampitella

Piazza Libertà, 83050 Scampitella AV, Italia

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