The Church of San Giuseppe di Lapio (Saint Joseph of Lapio) is located on the street of the same name, in the historic centre of the Irpinian town.

The religious building is characterised above all by its simplicity, with an essential geometry that can be seen from the façade, where four pilasters frame the portal, surmounted by a niche in which there is a painting of Saint Joseph holding the baby Jesus. The architectural complex is also surrounded by the houses of the small town, which makes it appear as if it was conceived as a harmonious element of the architectural complex.

Inside, the Church of San Giuseppe has furnishings mostly in chestnut wood, worked with refined simplicity, and there is a 19th-century organ and a polychrome marble altar. Also worth noting, among the works of art, is a nativity scene, consisting of no less than 72 statuettes representing the most classic figures and the presence of a contemporary character.

The Church of San Giuseppe is another example of Lapio's rich artistic and religious heritage and is a place that is very dear to the local community.

Grado di accessibilita
Totally accessible
Comune di riferimento
Via San Giuseppe, 25, 83030 Lapio AV, Italia
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Open during the hours of religious services

Poligono GEO

Chiesa di San Giuseppe di Lapio

Via San Giuseppe, 25, 83030 Lapio AV, Italia

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