The Municipality of Lapio is located in the Calore Valley area. It's a village of 1,700 inhabitants, located 480 meters above sea level and 20 km from Avellino. The territory extends for 15.25 sq km and the adjoining municipalities are: Chiusano di San Domenico, Luogosano, Montefalcione, Montemiletto, San Mango sul Calore and Taurasi
The etymology of the name comes, according to some, from the Latin lapideum, meaning "rocky", a term later transformed into Lapio; others, however, affirm that the name derives from the Fiano di Avellino DOCG, produced in this land, precisely in the agricultural area called "Apia", corresponding to the territory of today's Lapio, from which the term ''Apiano'' derives. The inhabitants are called Lapiani and Saint Peter the Martyr is their patron. 



  • Fiano Love Fest - Wine festival in the village of Lapio with the stands of the most important wineries in the area, which takes place on the first weekend of August 
  • Lapio Mysteries - A procession that has centuries old roots and is an Easter tradition
  • Trekking in the vineyard - Naturalistic trekking activity during the harvest 
  • The "Lumanerie" of Saint Catherine - Lighting of bonfires in the streets of the town at the passage of the Saint, which includes an award ceremony for the "brightest" bonfire and an evening of popular music with embers, typical dishes and white wines 
  • Fireworks Train - Fireworks show at the Ponte Principe bridge     


  • Fiano di Avellino DOCG - One of the finest white wines in Italy and on the international market 
  • Honey - The valuable honey of the town has been defined as the best honey in the world at the International Honey Quality Competition 
  • Irpinia Colline dell'Ufita PDO - Extra virgin olive oil deriving largely from the Ravece variety, characterized by a pleasant bitter and spicy taste
  • Mogliatielli - Made with the entrails of suckling lamb (tripe and intestines)     


The Ponte Principe bridge of the Avellino-Rocchetta Sant'Antonio railway line, suspended over the Calore river, was built in 1893 with the same construction technique as the Eiffel Tower


The settlements in the Calore Valley date back to 181 BC, when the Roman consuls Publio Cornelio Cetego and Marco Bebio Tanfilo subjected the Apuan Ligurians and ordered their deportation to Sannio, but also in some areas of Irpinia. Some argue, in fact, that the diffusion in these areas of the Apuan vine (from which the famous Fiano wine is still obtained today) should be attributed precisely to the Apuan Ligurians. 
Subjected to various feudal dominions, Lapio preserves one of the most important testimonies of the Renaissance age in Irpinia: the Castle, which is located right in the heart of the ancient village has been transformed, as it is seen today, following the abolition of fiefs by Giuseppe Napoleone in 1806.


 A suspension bridge, symbolic and powerful, a conquest of the world by human ingenuity, which animates Lapio with an emotion to be experienced 
Poligono GEO


Viale Sicilia, 83030 Lapio AV, Italia


Featured places

Indirizzo Piazza Sant'Antonio, 37, 83030 Lapio AV, Italia

Piazza Sant'Antonio, 37, 83030 Lapio AV, Italia

The Church has all the characteristic elements of late 19th-century architecture

Indirizzo Via San Martino, 83030 Lapio AV, Italia

Via San Martino, 83030 Lapio AV, Italia

A building of worship that does not stand on a stylobate, a mark of humility and hospitality

Indirizzo Via Roma, 83030 Lapio AV, Italia

Via Roma, 83030 Lapio AV, Italia

A distinguished family whose origins can be traced back to Norman times

Indirizzo Strada Provinciale 215, 83030 Lapio AV, Italia

Strada Provinciale 215, 83030 Lapio AV, Italia

An exceptional work on the river Calore that represented the triumph of progress in 1893

Indirizzo Via Roma, 3, 83030 Lapio AV, Italia

Via Roma, 3, 83030 Lapio AV, Italia

A church with distinctive decorative elements on the façade and a painting of Saint Catherine…

Indirizzo Via Roma, 9, 83030 Lapio AV, Italia

Via Roma, 9, 83030 Lapio AV, Italia

Built in 1598 and entirely rebuilt in 1903, using bricks and marble

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