The Church of Santa Caterina Vergine e Martire (Saint Catherine the Virgin and Martyr) is a place of worship located in Lapio, in Via Roma, close to the Church of the Madonna della Neve (Our Lady of the Snow) and not far from Filangieri Palace.

A characteristic feature of the Mother Church is its façade, with various decorative elements, especially pilasters and cornices, which give it a sober elegance and, especially the former, contribute to its height. Inside the Church of Santa Caterina, which has a nave and two side aisles, the painting of Saint Catherine, shown kneeling before the instrument of torture, and the tomb of Cardinal Giuseppe Caprio, located in the left aisle of the church, are particularly noteworthy.

A religious emblem of the Lapian community, the Church of Santa Caterina is an important evidence of faith and art.

Foto Gallery
Grado di accessibilita
Limited accessibility
Comune di riferimento
Via Roma, 3, 83030 Lapio AV, Italia
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Open during the hours of religious services

Poligono GEO

Chiesa di Santa Caterina Vergine e Martire 

Via Roma, 3, 83030 Lapio AV, Italia

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