The Municipality of Taurasi rises in the area of Calore Valley. It's a village with 2,296 inhabitants, located 398 metres above sea level, at 35 km from Avellino. The territory extends for 14.41 sq km and the adjoining municipalities are: Lapio, Luogosano, Mirabella Eclano, Montemiletto, Sant'Angelo all'Esca and Torre Le Nocelle. It's crossed by the river Calore. 
The etymology of the name seems to have an Osco-Sabellic origin, with reference to the bull, mythical animal and leader of the local tribes. The inhabitants are called Taurasini and Saint Marcian is their patron saint. 


  • Marchionale Castle - Wonderful historic structure, well preserved, which has undergone many transformations over time, but whose original structure probably dates back to the Lombard era. In the past it hosted important families like the Gesualdo, Filangieri, Ludovisi and Carafa
  • Archaeological Museum - Exhibition space that collects various archaeological finds of the Taurasi territory, among which finds of considerable historical importance that date back to the Aeneolithic
  • Collegiate Church of San Marciano (Saint Marcian) - Built in the 17th century, it is in Baroque style and is located near the Marchionale Castle 
  • Church of the Santissimo Rosario (Holy Rosary) - Built at the end of the 16th century, it has Renaissance and Baroque elements
  • Noble palaces - Uberti's Palace, d'Arena Palace, d'Indico Palace, De Angelis Palace, Guerritore Palace, Paladino Palace, Vaschi Palace, Maffei Palace
  • Other - Municipal library, Church and Chapel of the Immacolata Concezione (Immaculate Conception), Church of S. Rocco (Saint Roch)    


  • Taurasi Wine Fair - Wine fair of national importance that takes place every year in August, in which thousands of people participate
  • Taurasi Film Festival - Cinematic event dedicated to short films, scheduled for August    


  • Taurasi DOCG - Wine of great tradition, made thanks to a very ancient grape variety: well structured, elegant and austere but, at the same time, balanced and tannic; suitable for a very long ageing, also thanks to its structure, minerality, good alcohol content and fullness
  • Maiatica Cherry PAT - Typical of the Taurasi countryside, this cherry stands out for its medium size, for the intense red skin and for the soft and very juicy pulp
  • Irpinia Colline dell'Ufita PDO - Extra virgin olive oil deriving largely from the Ravece variety, characterized by a pleasant bitter and spicy taste    


The Municipality of Taurasi is famous, nationally and worldwide, for the production of Taurasi DOCG, one of the finest red wines of Campania and Southern Italy. 
Taurasi is part of the National Association "Città del Vino" (Wine Cities), created in Siena, in 1987, with the aim of promoting tourism that combines the quality of landscapes and well-preserved environments, the quality of wine and typical products and the quality of the offer spread throughout the territory by wineries and operators in the sector. 


The history of Taurasi is very ancient: its prehistoric origin is attested by archaeological finds in San Martino. During the third Samnite war, it was conquered by the Roman legate Lucius Cornelius Scipio Barbatus. Following the Punic wars, it became an ally of Rome and, during the Augustan triumvirate, the construction of the first villas began. 
The construction of today's Taurasi, instead, dates back to the period of the Lombard domination, followed by that of the Normans. The latter were responsible for the rebuilding of the Castle, previously devastated by the Saracens. In 1101 it was assigned to the Sanseverino family with which the Taurasi community experienced glorious moments in its most prestigious period. 
Then, numerous feudal lords alternated, including the Caracciolo and Gesualdo families. During the 17th century, it was the turn of the Carafa family and then of the Latilla family who remained until 1806, the year of the abolition of feudalism.


Taurasi is the scent of earth, flavours and colours, a variegated unfolding of horizons, with a castle and cellars that will enchant you 
Distretto di riferimeno
Via del Convento, 1, 83030 Taurasi AV, Italia
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Via del Convento, 1, 83030 Taurasi AV, Italia

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Piazza Duomo, 83030 Taurasi AV, Italia

Built in the 17th century, it is a Baroque church that stands close to Marchionale Castle.

Indirizzo Via del Convento, 1, 83030 Taurasi AV, Italia

Via del Convento, 1, 83030 Taurasi AV, Italia

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