The Fontana Lavatoio of Castel Baronia is a monument located near Via Eusebio Giambone.

Located at the entrance to the village, it consists of two parts: a fountain, quite small but pretty, and a basin, used by the women of the village as a washing place, but also as a drinking trough. Above the structure you can read an inscription that says the following: "The people of Castel Baronia, who are grateful to the Italy governed by Umberto de Saboya and to the province, obtain health and work in this source MDCCCLVIII".

As in many other towns in Irpinia, the Fontana Lavatoio in Castel Baronia bears witness to a past in which, in the absence of running water in the home, women used to go together to this public place to do household chores.

Via Eusebio Giambone, 83040 Castel Baronia AV, Italia
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