
Appointment Friday 17 January at the Circolo Fortapàsc...

Friday 17th January, the great "focarone" renews the tradition in honour of Sant'Antonio Abate. At 6:30 pm, Holy Mass presided over by Mons. Mario Pie...

On Sunday 12 January, at the "Mother Teresa of Calcutta" social center, the appointment with the (R)Essitiamo festival returns, with an "absurd" re-ad...

Sunday 12th January at the municipal auditorium the show that combines fun and learning in a puppet show...

Saturday 11 January the hilarious show of the Lucanian trio...

Appointment for adults and children Monday 6 January: Baby Dance, the Epiphany stocking, Arianese Tombolata, cabaret with Marco Cristi, DJ Set Umberto...

On January 6, 2025, the Old Lady will distribute gifts to young and old...

On Monday 6 January the Irpinian village will host the traditional Living Nativity Scene...

On Sunday 5 January, the Laika association of the Saturday village presents a selection of films that mix humor with noir atmospheres, with trailers, ...

On Sunday 5 January the Irpinia village is preparing to welcome a unique event, an unmissable opportunity to experience an evening of culture and good...

Sunday 5th January adoration of the Three Kings, ancient crafts, procession, Christmas songs and tunes for the first edition of the event...

Saturday 4 January from 7.00 pm meeting with the author in the Council Chamber of the Municipality...

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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