

From 30 August to 1 September 2024 in the hamlet of the Irpinian village the protagonist will be Strozzaprete accompanied by the music of Molotov d'Ir...


From 28 to 30 August in the capital of the Ultra Principality, an appointment with history and tradition between typical products and popular music...


From Monday 26 August to Monday 2 September, the masters Franco Mora, Carlo Moretti and Amedeo Marchetti will color the streets of Lauro with art and ...

On August 25th in the Irpinian village theater workshop "Memories of Spoon River The voices of the village"...


Two weekends: 24, 25 and 31 August and 1 September 2024 the magic within the setting of the Biondi Morra Castle...


From 23 to 25 August three days of celebrations in honor of the Patron Saint....

On August 23rd at 6.00 pm at Palazzo Scola the volume by the Irpinian journalist...


On 23 and 24 August in the Irpinia village, two evenings of tradition, good food and fun...


On Friday 23 and Saturday 24 August, the Irpinia village celebrates one of its most prized products, the meat and pecorino of Laticauda...

On 17 August 2024 everything is ready for the VII Edition of the awards given to personalities who bring prestige to the country or to Irpinia itself ...

On August 17th in the Irpinia village a musical dive into the past...


On 17 and 18 August in the Irpinia village typical local dishes, sandwiches, podolico veal kebabs and podolico caciocavallo hangman...

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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