The Municipality of Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi will present the "Protagonists of Irpinia" Award on 17 August, starting from 7.00 pm, at the Castello degli Imperiale.

A niche award which in its simplicity aims to give value to the successful experiences of Irpini who are engaged outside the province in important activities of great social and cultural responsibility.

In this VII Edition there will be present: Nicoletta Giammarino, Magistrate at the Court of Appeal of Naples, Anna Di Stasio, Magistrate of the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Juvenile Court of Rome.

After the ceremony, there will be a discussion coordinated by Marco Staglianò and a screening of the docufilm "Mosaico Irpinia", produced by Irpinia 2000, directed by Luca Castelluccio and with the participation of Baikala Kante.

The musical interlude will be curated by Maestro Raffaele Cardone.

Foto Gallery
Piazza Cesare D'Andrea, 83054 Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi AV, Italia
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dalle 19:00

Indicazioni dell'organizzatore
Comune di Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi
Poligono GEO

Castello degli Imperiale

Piazza Cesare D'Andrea, 83054 Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi AV, Italia

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