On 23 and 24 August in Piazza San Felice in Capriglia Irpina the second edition of "De' Serate a San Felice", an event organized by the “Pro S. Felice” Festa Committee with the patronage of the municipality. 

Two unmissable evenings with the opportunity to taste many typical Irpinia products from wine to fusilli with cotechino and much more. In addition to a rich food and wine program, the two evenings will be enlivened by excellent music.

On August 23rd it will be animated by Paolo Argenziano's Fidia Dance, followed by Vinyl Gianpy's DJ set.

August 24th will instead be dedicated to smooth and Latin American dances, with live music by Attilio and Viola Renna and DJ Rico, the evening will end with a dive into 90s music thanks to DJ Max.


August 23

 Fidia Dance by Paolo Argenziano 

Followed by Vinyl Gianpy

August 24th

Evening of smooth and Latin American music 

With Attilio and Viola Renna, DJ Rico 

Followed by 90s music with DJ Max

Foto Gallery
Piazza Municipio, 1, 83010 Capriglia Irpina AV, Italia
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dalle 20:00

Numero di telefono
0825 702001
Indicazioni dell'organizzatore
Comitato Festa “Pro S. Felice” , Comune di Capriglia Irpina
Poligono GEO

Capriglia Irpina

Piazza Municipio, 1, 83010 Capriglia Irpina AV, Italia

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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