Sunday 12 May, discovering the Avella Castle located on a hill from which you can admire a suggestive panorama and Vesuvius.

A fairytale destination that stands among uncontaminated nature, the Avella Castle is the emblem of the medieval past of the Irpinia town. Place of historical interest located in Via Campopiano, it was built by the Lombards in the 7th century. A.D.
The hill on which the Castle stands has been the scene of important archaeological discoveries. Among its ruins, the famous “Cippus Abellanus” was found, dating back to 150 BC. and currently kept at the Episcopal Seminary of Nola. It is an inscription in the Oscan language, bearing the agreement between Abella and Nola and concerning the lands in the midst of which a common Temple of Heracles stood.

The tour also includes the possibility of visiting the Archaeological Museum which preserves finds dating back to the Upper Paleolithic up to the medieval era and then immersion in the Roman era in the marvelous Roman Amphitheatre.

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Informazioni Aggiuntive
Free parking and restaurants open in the area
Grado di accessibilita
Totally accessible
Informazioni di prenotazione
For info and reservations:
WhatsApp - 333 8847353
Telephone - 320 9479173
Comune di riferimento
Via Campopiano, 83021 Avella AV, Italia
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dalle 10:00 alle 13:00

Poligono GEO

Castello di Avella

Via Campopiano, 83021 Avella AV, Italia

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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