The Bourbon Prison of Avellino will host the presentation of the project "Carlo Gesualdo. Music, passion, pain" promoted by the Ic Perna Alighieri of Avellino, led by director Amalia Carbone, on Wednesday 15 May at 5pm.

A journey dedicated to six thematic areas linked to the work and life of the "Prince of Musicians", Carlo Gesualdo, which reconstructs some historical and artistic passages in the territories of Gesualdo and Taurasi. The project is aimed at pupils in the first and second classes of the Institute's lower secondary school and also includes "visiting" activities in the areas of the aforementioned Municipalities.

The project was born from the collaboration of: the Teatro S. Carlo of Naples – “Complexity and beauty of the theatrical microcosm”, Conservatory D. Cimarosa of Avellino “The instruments and the late Renaissance repertoire”, APS Carlo Gesualdo “The historical iconographic heritage of Prince Carlo Gesualdo”, Zia Lidia Social Club “Cinematic and multimedia laboratory”; Maestro Gennaro Vallifuoco “Scenography Laboratory”; APS INFOIRPINIA “The places of the Prince of musicians”.

The project involves the Municipalities of Gesualdo, Taurasi, Conza della Campania, Venosa and is carried out with funds referred to in the SIAE 2023 Call - MUSIC Section, and is promoted with the moral patronage of the Avellino Provincial Authority.

The activities are aimed at pupils in the first and second classes of the Institute's secondary school, in the ordinary course and in the musical course, translating the actions of the Three-Year Plan of the 2022/2025 Educational Offer.

«It is an important occasion - said the director Maria Gabriella Della Sala - which allows us to network and share our commitment to the valorisation and diffusion of the ancient music repertoire with particular attention to the music of Carlo Gesualdo, well-known composer renaissance of our territory".

Translated with google translate.

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Comune di riferimento
Piazza Alfredo de Marsico, 83100 Avellino AV, Italia
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dalle 17:00

Indicazioni dell'organizzatore
teatro carlo gesualdo, conservatorio domenico cimarosa, zia lidia social club, teatro san carlo di napoli, maestro gennaro vallifuoco, aps infoirpinia, comune di avellino, istituto luigi perna
Allegati vari
Poligono GEO

Carcere Borbonico di Avellino

Piazza Alfredo de Marsico, 83100 Avellino AV, Italia

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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