Appointment on Saturday 8 June 2024, starting at 5.00 pm, at the former Eliseo cinema with the essay "Music bears fruit".

The end-of-year recital-concert of the singing and instrument students of the Social Promotion Association La mela di Odessa of Avellino will be on stage.

"Thanks to the patronage of the Municipality of Avellino, the students will offer you a fantastic free concert (actually, two!) in a beautiful structure in the center: the Ex Cinema Eliseo, which has been hosting all the most interesting events since it finally reopened of the Avellino cultural panorama... the retrospective on Ettore Scola, the Andy Warhol exhibition, the one on Banksy, the concert series Out of here, organized by the Fitz Association, and last but not least, our essay-concert last year was fantastic, in this suggestive location with spectacular acoustics - writes the association - Therefore you are all invited, on Saturday 8 June, at 5pm for the concert of the little ones, i.e. the students of the Kids courses, and at 7pm :30 for the concert of the "older" singing and instrument students. Admission is obviously free."

The social promotion association "La Mela Di Odessa" was founded with the precise aim of enhancing the artistic resources present in the area and making the study and improvement of music and the arts in general accessible to all.

Their staff, made up of over 50 members, each specialized in their own sector, is able to satisfy the needs of those who aspire to make music a profession and, at the same time, of those who simply want to cultivate a passion.

Possessing vast experience as "creators" of music, performers and organizers of musical projects, the teachers and collaborators act as catalysts of individual creativity towards a broader design and production path.

Translation done with Google Translate

Foto Gallery
Grado di accessibilita
Totally accessible
Informazioni di prenotazione
evento libero
Comune di riferimento
Piazza del Popolo, 1, 83100 Avellino AV, Italia
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dalle 17:00

Numero di telefono
0825 666928
Indicazioni dell'organizzatore
comune di avellino, la mela di odessa
Allegati vari
Poligono GEO


Piazza del Popolo, 1, 83100 Avellino AV, Italia

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