The Carifano Carnival is ready to show off all its colors and joy, the Parade of Allegorical Floats and the Masked Groups will liven up the center of the Barony. Now in its 32nd edition, with the organization of the Pro Loco Kerafjo Aps and the patronage of the Municipality of Carife, on Sunday 11 February, at 2.30 pm, the departure will be from Piazza San Giovanni. The party will continue through the streets of the town.

At the end of the parade, in the place from which it will start, there will be space for the proclamation and awarding of the winning float and the most beautiful mask. Interested people will be able to register their float or masked group, to which a one-off contribution will be paid as reimbursement of expenses, without any participation fee, by Friday 9 February, by contacting the Pro Loco on 320 8898014. The best float will be a commemorative plaque was delivered

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Informazioni Aggiuntive
Photo Credits: Pro Loco Kerafjo APS Facebook page
Grado di accessibilita
Totally accessible
Informazioni di prenotazione
Interested people will be able to register their float or masked group without any participation fee, by Friday 9 February, by contacting the Pro Loco on 320 8898014
Comune di riferimento
Largo Mons. Vincenzo Salvatore, 1, 83040 Carife AV, Italia
Go to the map view on the map

Sunday 11 February, at 2.30 pm, the departure will be from Piazza San Giovanni

dalle 14:30

Prezzi di accesso

A one-off contribution will be paid to the floats and masked groups as reimbursement of expenses, without any participation fee

Numero di telefono
320 8898014
Indicazioni dell'organizzatore
Pro Loco Kerafjo APS
Allegati vari
Poligono GEO

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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