On Sunday 15 September from the Campanile Terrace of Roccabascerana you can enjoy the splendid surrounding landscape while savoring the delicacies prepared for the occasion, an aperitif on the belvedere made of music and good food with the participation of various musicians and chef Piscitelli of the Agape restaurant.

The time of sunset but also the time of the aperitif, the one with a capital A, the elements at play are earth, air, water and fire, the view from the belvedere will ensure the first two, the gourmet tastings and the cocktails will expertly mix water and fire returning a unique experience, the music will be all around:

-"the names of the DJ Contest": DJ Junerule, DJ Mighty, special guest DJ Alberto Limone, their music will float in the graceful air;

-"fires and flames" the butchers of Principe Teresa, Pirone Quirino, Principe Margherita, Francesco Uzzauto and Anna Principe plus the Pizzeria Al Borgo took care of the local excellences protagonists of the tastings;

-"the Surprise": chef Piscitelli of the Agape restaurant has not yet revealed anything about his exceptional culinary proposal;

-"the mixologist is" Simone Pirone of Bar Odeon, his cocktails will speak for themselves and there is a risk that they will make you do the same.
There is everything you need to spend a different Sunday afternoon in an exceptional location with an important cast, an evening that is a gift from the creators of the Vian Prize.

Appointment at 6pm, closing toast at 9.30pm.

Foto Gallery
Grado di accessibilita
Totally accessible
Piazza Michele Imbriani, 83016 Roccabascerana AV, Italia
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dalle 18:00

Poligono GEO


Piazza Michele Imbriani, 83016 Roccabascerana AV, Italia

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