Urban Nature, which reaches its 8th edition in 2024, is an initiative promoted by WWF Italy, to spread the value and care of nature in the city for the well-being of people, renewing the way of thinking and thinking about urban spaces, and promoting virtuous actions by administrators, communities, citizens, businesses, universities and schools to protect and increase biodiversity in urban systems.

This year, for the first time, the Youth Forum of Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi enthusiastically joins the Urban Nature campaign.

On 28 and 29 September, everyone in Piazza De Sanctis, in Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi, for the fight against climate change and hydrogeological instability. 
With a minimum donation of 14.00 euros, you can receive an Erica - Calluna plant, a symbol of resistance and natural regeneration. This evergreen plant blooms in autumn and represents a message of hope for the protection of urban biodiversity.

The contribution will support education projects on the value of nature in urban spaces, promoting greener and more resilient cities.


Foto Gallery
Piazza Umberto I, 83054, Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi AV, Italia
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Prezzi di accesso

Minimum Donation

Indicazioni dell'organizzatore
Forum dei Giovani di Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi e WWF
Poligono GEO

Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi

Piazza Umberto I, 83054, Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi AV, Italia

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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