On Sundays in June the Lake Conza Oasis offers all its visitors a family-friendly day of nature, leisure and relaxation with guided tours and creative workshops dedicated to the world of plants. 

For the little ones there will also be the opportunity to participate in the care and management of the Oasis' animals.

A fascinating nature reserve that extends between the municipalities of Cairano and Conza and overlooks the dam of the water basin of Lake Conza obtained artificially from the Ofanto river.

On 9 - 16 - 23 - 30 June 2024


11.00 am – Guided tour along the paths of the Oasis with a stop at the viewpoint over the lake and the wildlife areas,

12.30 pm – Collection and observation of natural samples and creative workshop “Botanic impressions”

1.30pm – picnic in the shade of the poplars (organised by the visitors)

3.00 pm – The tortoise canteen: let's prepare lunch for the most demanding inhabitants of the Oasis!


Translated with Google translator
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Informazioni di prenotazione
For information write to oasilagodiconza@gmail.com or call 334/368586
Oasi Lago di Conza, Contrada Pescara, snc, 83040, Conza della Campania AV, Italia
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dalle 11:00

Sito web Oasi
Indicazioni dell'organizzatore
Oasi WWF Lago di Conza e Comune di Conza della Campania
Poligono GEO

Oasi WWF Lago di Conza

Oasi Lago di Conza, Contrada Pescara, snc, 83040, Conza della Campania AV, Italia

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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