Alta Irpinia will also be at Casa Sanremo. The collaboration was born in a strategic synergy between Terre d'Irpinia and the City of Alta Irpinia, chaired by Rosanna Repole a consortium of 25 municipalities, is at the center of a sustainable development project that enhances local culture and traditions. From 5 to 10 February, coinciding with the festival week, a dedicated corner will be the stage for our excellence, attracting the attention of the national and international public. 

Participation in Casa Sanremo 2024 with "Terre d'Irpinia" is configured as a key moment for the valorization of Alta Irpinia. It will be an opportunity to reflect on the potential, resources and values ​​of these areas, through a conference dedicated to exploring the different facets of the territory. 
“Terre d'Irpinia” is a project promoted by Shout, a leading Irpinian company in the performance marketing and training sector, which aims to highlight the excellence of our land.

Filippo Fasulo, Founder & CEO of Shout, presents the initiative like this: “We intend to create a bridge between our magnificent land and the vast public of Casa Sanremo. We want every visitor to not only taste, but also feel and experience the essence of our land. Irpinia has a lot to offer, not only in terms of quality food and wine products, but also of stories, traditions and innovation. We are proud to be the spokespersons of this extraordinary adventure.”

This exclusive space will offer visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in the culture and traditions of Irpinia, with a series of aperitifs with typical Irpinian products, expertly organized by the renowned chefs of Est Bistrot Avellino.

The culinary events will represent a unique experience, where the flavors and aromas of the area will be the protagonists, allowing participants to discover and appreciate the food and wine excellences of Irpinia. The opportunity offered by Casa Sanremo 2024 is fundamental for the promotion of Alta Irpinia, allowing us to enhance not only the territory, but also local excellence, from food and wine traditions to cultural and historical riches. 

Thanks to this initiative, Terre d'Irpinia confirms itself as an active promoter of a land rich in history, culture and beauty, bringing the wonders of Alta Irpinia to the attention of a wider audience.



Translated with google translate

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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