"At the roots of the dream" is an intensive performing arts workshop lasting 4 days which will be held from 1 to 4 August 2024 in Cairano, the birthplace of the company's founder Franco Dragone. 

The workshop consists of a series of masterclasses led by international trainers, Marco Huysseune, Fares Forsan, Valentina Valenti, Reda Guerinik, Antonio Audino and Filippo Ferraresi. 
During the workshop, students will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of performing arts by coming into contact with internationally renowned artists and professionals who will guide them towards an original and unprecedented creative approach, the Dragone method.

With a strongly contemporary vocation, this laboratory aims to offer insights into today's most successful representation techniques. For this reason, a small focus will be on hip hop and funk dance with Marco Huysseune, a globally recognized hip hop teacher, who will be responsible for transmitting the basic principles of this dance style as will Fares Forsan, who has been active in this field since the 1970s. Valentina Valenti instead will bring attention to more classical aspects coming from the choreographic experiences of, among others, Pina Bausch. Reda Guerinink, historic actor in many of Franco Dragone's directions, will address those who intend to experiment more with acting and presence on stage. Filippo Ferraresi, current artistic director of Dragone, will focus on the use of space and stage with an attention to movement. Antonio Audino, curator of the theatrical spaces of Rai Radio 3 will instead offer a historical lesson on the Commedia dell'Arte. 

All this will take place in a unique context, Cairano, the town of origin of Franco Dragone, a small town in Campania in Alta Irpinia, on the border between Campania, Puglia and Basilicata, which stands on an isolated hill surrounded by greenery. Cairano with its meeting places, silence and harmony constitutes an alternative model of life to that of large urban centres, transmitting emotions that allow reflection and dialogue, thus creating authentic relationships within the community.

Here the objective of the workshop is to unite Cairano and the theatre, taking up the activity of animation, support and cultural diffusion that Franco Dragone decided to activate in his country of origin, continuing this momentum, choosing to be promoters of a constant rebirth of these enchanting, hospitable and warm-hearted lands.

It will be an extremely varied, multi-faceted, agile and very fast-paced laboratory, reiterating the importance of the transmission and training of practices and knowledge that constitute the fulcrum of the Dragone company and calling upon the youngest, emerging or emerging artists looking for themselves, but also professionals looking for a space made up of new perspectives on the performing arts.

Each masterclass will not last more than two hours, but en revance will be included in a composite sequence aimed, in its entirety, at offering as many different ideas, as many perspectives as possible in the space of four days of work. 

The workshop is organized by Dragone, Fondazione Franco Dragone, Kushi Gotha, Pro Loco Cairano and Municipality Cairano.

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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