The Church of San Giuseppe (Saint Joseph) in Bonito is a place of worship located in the central Via Roma.

It is mentioned for the first time in a document of 1517 as "Ecclesia S. Petri Hospitalis", that is "Church of Saint Peter of the Hospice" since there was a hospice next to the Church, consisting of five small rooms, at the service of pilgrims and the sick. The Congregation of San Giuseppe was founded here in 1703, from which the present name of the sacred place originates. Damaged by the earthquake of 1930, it was restored, with some changes to the entrance, where some steps were originally located, with the replacement of the portal and the lowering of the floor level. Other renovations were carried out following other earthquakes, especially after the one of 23 November 1980, when it was considerably damaged. 

Today, inside the Church of San Giuseppe, there is a painting on canvas dating back to the 18th century depicting Our Lady of Mount Carmel. There are also ancient statues, including that of Saint Peter, dating from the 15th and 16th centuries, the same period in which the Church was presumably built.

A precious example of faith, the Church of San Giuseppe has resisted natural disasters over the centuries and still stands on the town's main street.

Comune di riferimento
Via Roma, 83032 Bonito AV, Italia
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Numero di telefono
0825 422054
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Chiesa di San Giuseppe di Bonito

Via Roma, 83032 Bonito AV, Italia

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