The Church of Santa Maria della Sanità, or "della Salute" (Saint Mary of Health), is located in Caposele, near the Sele Springs.

Erected on the site of a Roman temple dedicated to Juno Argiva, the Church became famous because it has housed a prodigious image of the Madonna della Sanità ever since its construction, so dear to the community of Caposele. According to popular tradition, this image was created by a monk named Paolo, who reproduced the image of the Virgin Mary almost exactly as it originally appeared. In 1812, the work was moved to the Church of the Antonians, due to the large cracks that had opened in the original building. Later, thanks to the contribution of the people of Caposele, the Church of Santa Maria della Sanità was rebuilt, taking on its present appearance.

The Church of Santa Maria della Sanità differs from the other places of worship in Caposele in one particular way: the religious building and the bell tower are not next to each other but separate, about 300 metres apart. 
Inside the church, it is also possible to contemplate the altar, the baptismal font and, above all, the fresco of the Madonna della Sanità, dating back to 1200. The Church is also the starting point for the celebrations in honour of the Virgin Mary, which take place every year on the third Sunday of August.

A place of worship that has been venerated for centuries, the Church of Santa Maria della Sanità is a further confirmation of the faith that distinguishes the community of Caposele.

Comune di riferimento
Piazza della Sanità, 83040, Caposele AV, Italia
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Open during the hours of religious services

Poligono GEO

Chiesa di Santa Maria della Sanità

Piazza della Sanità, 83040, Caposele AV, Italia

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