The Piana del Dragone (Dragon’s Plain) is a site of natural interest situated towards the southern edge of the Municipality of Volturara Irpina.
The site, covering 1,100 hectares, is a flat stretch of land, rich in loam and clay, surrounded by mountains, which means that the rain water and spring water collects at the lowest point, forming a basin of water informally known as “Lago Dragone” (Dragon Lake).
The Dragon’s Plain is known in particular for a natural sinkhole, the “Dragon’s Mouth”, which is linked to several legends and which was formed after the earthquake of 1456. In normal conditions, the sinkhole can absorb 900 litres of water per second, and represents the entry point for a complex groundwater network. The zone is prone to flooding, but during the summer it is possible to walk here, at the edge of the water, on the concrete pavement.
Although the Dragon's Plain has required urgent drainage works over the years, it still retains its unusual charm. Edged by mountains, it looks like a kind of natural amphitheatre.
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