Hannibal's Bridge, also known as the "Roman Bridge", is a place of historical interest, located in San Mango sul Calore, along the border with the nearby municipalities of Lapio and Luogosano.

Dating back to the late Roman period and, more precisely, to around the first century AD, it has often been associated with Hannibal (247-183 BC), the name of the great Carthaginian leader who fought against the Romans in the Second Punic War. According to legend, it was the general himself who commissioned the construction of the bridge of the same name, during the period in which he was on his way with his army to conquer Puglia: hence the name "Hannibal's Bridge". This valuable architectural work is also known as the "Devil's Bridge". In fact, there is also a second legend linked to this structure, of a more popular nature than the first, according to which it was the devil himself who built the bridge in a single night and thus gave it its name.

Surrounded by rich vegetation, Hannibal's Bridge is an imposing architectural structure, in classical style and typically Roman. Like other similar structures, it was built to connect territories that were practically impossible to reach, due to the course of the river Calore, which made the area impenetrable. It was also important in defining the famous Via Appia, which ran from Rome to Brindisi, connecting Latium, Campania, Basilicata and Puglia for a length of about 360 Roman miles. Over the centuries, the bridge has lost much of its original conformation, without losing its charm and majesty.

Hannibal's Bridge is one of the main archaeological attractions in Irpinia, an ideal destination for all lovers of history and Roman civilisation.

Strada Provinciale 57, 83050 San Mango sul Calore AV, Italia
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